

What is going on in Zebra from 22nd till 26th of January 2018?

On Tuesday: the pottery workshop for those who want to create their own ceramic tile for the kitchen or bathroom, second part, from 5 pm till 7 pm. On Wednesday: the Lecture “My mother is hearing bad, can I help to her?”. Mrs Irena Brecelj, the specialist of clinic’s logopedy, is going to represent us hard of hearing situation at… Continue reading →

What is going on in Zebra from 8th till 12nd of January 2018?

On Monday:  Slovenian Sign Language II, from 5 pm till 6.30 pm. On Tuesday: the pottery workshop for those who want to create their own ceramic tile for the kitchen or bathroom, from 5 pm till 7 pm. On Thursday: Sign language I, from 6 pm till 7.30 pm. You are very welcome!

What is going on in Zebra from 18th till 22nd of December 2017?

On Monday:  Slovenian Sign Language II: from 5 till 6.30 pm. On Wednesday: the art workshop for the group Sovice from our kindergarten, from 9.30 am till 11 am. On Wednesday: the Christmas concert at 5 o’clock pm. On Thursday: Sign language I, from 6 pm till 7.30 pm. You are very welcome!

What is going on in Zebra from 11th till 15th of December 2017?

On Tuesday: the student Aljoša is going to make Christmas decoration of clay, from 5 pm till 7 pm. On Wednesday: the lecture of relationship between person with autism and neuro typical person, from 5 pm till 6 pm. On Thursday: Sign language I, from 6 pm till 7.30 pm. You are very welcome!

Zebra Gre Na Luno

Zavod za gluhe in naglušne Ljubljana