At the bookshop and the store Zebra Goes to the Moon we have a new product, actually two of them: the book Fpur-wheeled Betty and the Time Machine, or How to Make a Teddy Bear. The story was written by Dea Černe, illustrated by Špela Kočnar. The book have been designed by Žan Luka Vodušek, the student of secondary school at ZGNL. The student has been leaded by mentor Mr. Aleš Zavrl. The book can be bought separately or in the complete. In the complete, there is everything needed to make a teddy bear by yourself. At the ZGNL we are very proud on ideas, which are born at and on those, who make everything to became those true.

At the occasion of presentation the new products we served two cakes:
Chocolate-chary cake, made by students Mai Peganc and Kristjan Mofardin Martinčič.
Sacher cake was made by student Tadeja Ivanič.
The students were leaded by teacher Nikola Savić.