

The Planet Asperger

On Wednesday, the 11th of October 2023, at 5 o’clock pm, we had very special guest, author of very special book: The Planet Asperger – The guide for parents of children with autism, mrs Mojca Mihelčič. Conversation with her was leaded by our colleague, librarian Nina Janžekovič. 

Christmas crib in clay

Four Tuesdays in October I am going to have workshops in clay. The basic idea is Christmas crib. Workshops are going to be from 5 till 7 pm. Welcome, Valerija

The Exhibition of Slovenian School Museum

At Thursday the 22nd of June we are opening: The new exhibition of Slovenian School Museum: The School is the First They Need. The exhibition is short review of education process for Deaf in Slovenia. The exhibition will be closed at 26th of July 2023.

Razstava 8. 6. 2023 ob 18. uri

Z veseljem vas vabimo na razstavo likovnih dela naših kolegic, strokovnih sodelavk. Slavka Ilich in Marina Švaglič sta umetnici že vse življenje. Šele upokojitev in novi izzivi z njo so prinesli pogoje, da sta umetnost izrazili tudi na likovnem področju, natančneje, na slikarskem platnu. Tudi Mateja Železnikar, ki je še aktivna v ZGNL, je tudi umetnica. Na slikarskih platnih je… Continue reading →

Zebra Gre Na Luno

Zavod za gluhe in naglušne Ljubljana