

Events in Zebra during Monday, the 19th of June

At 10 am the official opening of artwork of the pupil from The Institute for dea and Hard of Hearing Ljubljana Andrej Žnidarčič. At 4 pm the performance with paper theatre KAMIŠIBAJ. Our teacher Tina Grošelj is going to play her own fairytale Miška Hermelina.

The art workshop

At the 13th of June there was the art workshop, leaded from academic painter Nives Palmić. The participants create beautiful ornaments of flowers in watercolour technic.

Članek v reviji ONAPLUS

V junijski številki revije ONAPLUS je bil objavljen članek o knjigarni in trgovinici Zebra Gre Na Luno: Ko nakup nariše svetlejšo prihodnost

Events in Zebra during this week: from 12th of June till 16th of June

Monday: from 5 pm till 7 pm: craft workshop for children from dormitory ZGNL Tuesday: at 2.25 pm class for pupils from Secondary school ZGNL. We are going to play the game: Carousel of emotions. At 6 pm the painting workshop with academic painter and art teacher Nives Palmić: Let’s create the flavour ornament! Thursday: at 3 pm the workshop… Continue reading →

Zebra Gre Na Luno

Zavod za gluhe in naglušne Ljubljana