On Tuesday, the 10th of April, pupils from Primary school, ZGNL, came to the Zebra. Each of them created his own frame for his photo.
On Monday: the lessons of Sing language, at 5 pm. On Tuesday: the workshop for pupils from Primary school ZGNL, pottery at 10 am, the student’s work, a shop assistant at 10 am and an illustration of fairy tale at 5 pm. On Wednesday: the school lessons, Secondary school ZGNL at 11 am, the student’s work – pottery at 5… Continue reading →
On Tuesday: students work – shop assistant at 10 am and illustration of fairy tale at 5 pm, on Wednesday: visit of pupils from primary school ZGNL at 9 am, school lessons of Secondary school ZGNL at 11 am and students work – pottery at 5 pm, on Thursday: school lessons of Secondary school at 10 am and Sign language… Continue reading →
Monday: lessons of Slovenian Sing Language III, at 5 pm, Tuesday: workshop for pupils from Primary school ZGNL, Easter Bunny, at 10 am, students work, ilustration of fary tail, at 5 pm, Wednesday: school lessons for students of Secondary school ZGNL, at 11 am, Thursday: students work at 10 am, lessons of Slovenian Sign Language II, at 6 pm.
Zebra Gre Na Luno
Zavod za gluhe in naglušne Ljubljana