V četrtek, 20. Junija, smo s prijetnim druženjem ob glasbi zaokrožili še eno šolsko leto v knjigarni in trgovinici Zebra Gre Na Luno. Koncert sta nam podarila Daniel Eyer, klasični kitarist in Špela Girandon, flavtistka. Uživali smo ob čudovitih ritmih skladbic z Kube, Italije in Francije. Po končanem programu smo se družili v krogu tistih, ki so nam skozi šolsko… Continue reading →
On Thursday, the 30th of May 2019, at 5 o’clock pm, Meta Štampek, the teacher surdopedagog is coming to Zebra, to represent special method for teaching: VIGO.
She is going to represent her PhD work: Analyse of strategy of interpreting sing language in Slovenia and the influence of it on understanding.
There is that feeling in Zebra that Easter is coming.
Zebra Gre Na Luno
Zavod za gluhe in naglušne Ljubljana