

Modelling of clay cribs

In the book shop and store Zebra Gre Na Luno two workshops of modelling of clay cribs have been this autumn. The third has not been because of closing of the place and will be as soon as it will be possible. The modelling has been leaded by Mrs Eva Peterson Lenassi, our well known sculptor.

priročnik Klepetajva in se igrajva

V knjigarni in trgovinici Zebra Gre Na Luno smo ponosni, ker vam lahko ponudimo nov priročnik Klepetajva in se igrajva. Priročnik sta spisali kolegici Urša Dular Kolar in Branka Podboj. Izjemni strokovnjakinji s področja govorno-jezikovnega razvoja otrok. Priročnik lahko kupite v knjigarni in trgovinici Zebra Gre Na Luno. Stane 39,90 €. Če ste pravna oseba, pošljite naročilnico na elektronski naslov… Continue reading →


We are very proud at the Bookshop and Store Zebra Gre Na Luno: we have got an order to prepare a protocol’s present, which is going to be given to diplomats of Nordic’s states at the time, when our state will lead presidency of EU in the following year. The package went on its trip to Denmark last week. THE… Continue reading →


On Friday, the 25th of September, was very beautiful day at Book Shop and Store Zebra Gre Na Luno. The storyteller and illustrator Miss Alenka Spacal told to our students the story: What’s your name? This is the story about the snail. After that we had the pottery workshop and we made snails.

Zebra Gre Na Luno

Zavod za gluhe in naglušne Ljubljana