

The Christmas Bell

We kindly invite you to join us for the autumn clay design workshop; This time the theme CHRISTMAS BELL The workshop will be held on three consecutive Mondays. Always from 15.00 to 17.00, namely; 4, 11 and 18 November 2024. Under the guidance of Mentor Mag. Valerije Janhar Černivec will first prepare a design for the products and then create… Continue reading →


Na tih jesenski dan, 4. oktobra, je naša knjigarna in trgovinica prav tako tiho praznovala 8 let delovanja. Trgovinica se je lepo umestila v mestni prostor. Tako kot na začetku še danes navdihuje s svojo toplino, eleganco in posebnostjo. Naš priklon in čestitke!

Modre ptičje misli, izložba

Za moder začetek Prvi mesec novega šolskega leta so izložbo naše trgovinice krasile slike osnovnošolcev, nastale junija v Zebri, ptičje hišice in ostali leseni izdelki, ki so jih naredili dijaki lesarstva in zvezki dijakinje grafične smeri na naši srednji šoli. Tudi tokrat je izložba prejela številne pohvale!

The Blue Bird´s toughts

On Wednesday, the 12th of June, Mrs. Alenka Spacal, the writer, illustrator and storyteller visited our store. Teachers Simona, Maja and Meta came with their pupils, too. Mrs. Alenka introduced to pupils her stories. After that there was the art workshop. MOL grb_cb_mali

Zebra Gre Na Luno

Zavod za gluhe in naglušne Ljubljana